What Is the Montessori Method of Teaching?

Did you know that there are over four thousand Montessori schools in the United States? This alternative method of education continues to growing popularity as more and more parents learn about the advantages of the Montessori method of teaching.
Are you thinking about enrolling your child in a Montessori school, but you’re not sure if it is the best choice for you? Here is a great guide to the Montessori methods of teaching, and how you and your family can benefit from a Montessori education.
What is the Montessori Method?
Maria Montessori created the Montessori Method at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Montessori Method focuses on child-centered instruction and learning. Rather than traditional teaching, the teacher supervises the students. The teacher only intervenes when necessary.
The Montessori method of education also focuses on two development stages. These are infancy to age six, then to age 12. Overall, learning and teaching fall on the child, which fosters independence.
Benefits of the Montessori Method
There are many benefits of the Montessori method that outweigh those taught in traditional schools. For example, cooperative play is encouraged. This can help children to build social skills they may not get in a classroom setting where students are at desks.
In addition, Montessori teaches the development of all life skills. This includes practical skills through play. Organization, cooking, and cleaning are some of the skills taught in Montessori as well.
In traditional schooling, teachers and students often follow a cookie-cutter curriculum. Regular instruction has generalized standards for each grade level. However, one of the biggest advantages of the Montessori method of teaching is individualized learning.
Montessori Education Later in Life
Montessori education teaches skills that not only help with development, but you can apply as you grow older. For example, self-discipline is a huge factor in learning how to manage time and tasks.
Social skills are incredibly important in your professional and personal relationships. The Montessori method of teaching encourages social development in a unique way that allows for independence.
Where to Find Montessori Schools
You can find Montessori schools in your area with a simple internet search. Most schools have a website that you can explore to see what their values and educational goals are for their students.
If you have a Montessori campus near you, you can take your child to do a tour or ask questions about the school. You can get a good idea of how your child will fit in with the
Consider the Montessori Method of Teaching
If your child is starting school, you should not have to worry about whether they will get a well-rounded education. With the Montessori method of teaching, you will set them up for success later in life and give them a unique educational experience.
Would you like to learn more about education and childcare? Take a look around our site for all of the information and advice you will need.