Mecca News: When and Where To Join a Pilgrimage in The Middle East

Pilgrims in Mecca

Taking part in a rich, spiritual, and sacred journey sounds like the dream of a lifetime. Every year, millions of Muslims embark on such a journey, known as a pilgrimage, to Mecca in order to fulfill their religious duties. 

Since so many people go on these pilgrimages to the Middle East, hotels and planes get booked very early on so it’s important to think ahead and keep track of what’s going on in Mecca News. 

Read on to learn more about the pilgrimage and other beautiful places in the Middle East that you will surely want to travel to.

What Is A Pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is typically known throughout history as a spiritual journey to an unfamiliar place where one goes in search of meaning about their self, nature, others, or higher good. People embark on these journeys with hopes for a transformation of self so that when they return to their daily life, they have a new meaning and understanding of the world.

Some of the most famous pilgrimages are taken by millions of Muslims every year to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, known as Hajj and Umrah.

The Pilgrimage in Mecca News

According to Islamic religious doctrine, every Muslim that is able to do so and can afford it is obligated to travel to the Hajj in Mecca at least once in their lifetime. This is a very important pilgrimage and a milestone in a Muslim’s life!

In fact, it’s so important that Saudi Arabia sees 2 million Muslims each year make this pilgrimage. If you are flying internationally, it’s common to fly first into Jeddah or Umrah and then take a bus to Mecca. For plans to join a pilgrimage, you can check out this travel company for more information on accommodations and prime travel packages. 

Important Steps For Getting There

First things first, check the visa requirements of your home country. If needed, apply for a travel visa to Saudi Arabia and indicate that you are traveling for a religious visit. 

Make sure you book your airline and hotel rooms way in advance so that you can get reasonable rates. Also, don’t forget to get a meningitis vaccine with documentation to show if needed. 

Lastly, remember the customs of the pilgrimage before traveling there. Because it is a religious site and country, Saudia Arabia will expect visitors to respect the laws of the country and Islam. In the city of Mecca, Muslims are expected to dress conservatively, to not engage in arguing or any kind of sexual activity.

Other Muslim Sites

If you are a Muslim traveler and if you are not taking part in the pilgrimage, there are still many famous and beautiful places in the Middle East. Most of these religious sites are still open to visitors year-round.

Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (The Mosque of the Prophet)

Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia is the famous mosque built by Prophet Mohamed in 622 A.D. The mosque, now built to accompany thousands of pilgrims, is a serene and important place to pray if you are a follower of Islam. 

Mount Arafat

Located in Saudia Arabia at the peak of Hajj pilgrimage, is said to be the mountain where Prophet Mohamed delivered his final messages. Many pilgrims travel up the mountain while others admire from the valley.

Travel In The Middle East

Perhaps, you’re fascinated by the Hajj and Umrah but are not Muslim or do not want to take part in the whole process of the pilgrimage. Maybe you still want to visit religious sites rich in history and culture.

Luckily, there are still many other fascinating places in the Middle East you can travel to. Even better, traveling to these places will also benefit the communities of these countries. 

For Christian Travelers

Many sites in the Middle East hold religious significance for Christians as well. You may want to pay tribute, see areas from the Bible, or learn about these places in general. Here are some of the most traveled to spots in the Middle East.

Mount Zion

Overlooking Jerusalem in Israel, Mount Zion is the home of many sacred events and is said to be where Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Christians can pay tribute to these events by visualizing them while standing there. 

Mount Sinai 

Known as the peak where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, many Christian travelers climb this site in Egypt to gain religious inspiration and to show their devotion. However, keep in mind that the summit is 7,497 feet tall and will take 2 full days of travel to reach. The views though will be well worth it.

For Jewish Travelers

The Middle East is the home of the Jewish religion and culture, so naturally, there are many famous sites that Jewish followers flock to year-round. If you are of Jewish belief or want to learn more about the history of Judaism, here are some pilgrimage sites you may be interested in. 

Western Wall 

Notably one of the most well-known sites of Jewish faith is the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Many pilgrims come to the wall to pray, celebrate holidays, pay tribute to the landmark, and mourn for Jews who have been persecuted. It’s a common tradition to write a prayer to God on a card and insert it into the bricks of the wall.

The Dead Sea

Located in Israel is a historical place of healing, peace, and religious history. The Dead Sea is not only known for its’ mineral water that frees the exterior body of toxins, it also is a place in the representation of teachings from the Torah. It was here that Ezekiel promised to sweeten the Dead Sea one day. 

Joining a Pilgrimage

Hopefully, you are inspired to join a sacred pilgrimage after reading about the many religious sites in the Middle East. As you can see, there are options for a diversity of religious travelers.

Since the world and circumstances are changing daily, it’s good to keep up with Mecca News so you know when and where is the best time to make your journey. 

Keep checking back to read more about my explorations around the world.