The Most Common Car Accident Injuries to Avoid


Did you know that three million people in the United States are injured in a car accident every year? Car accident injuries can result in loss of work, disability, and more. 

As you’re hitting the roads this summer, do you know how to stay safe? Keep reading to learn about common auto accident injuries and how to keep yourself protected. 

Bruises and Scrapes

Even minor car accidents can cause bruises and scrapes. While your seatbelt keeps you safe, it can also cause bruises when you slam into it. 

You can also get bruises and scrapes from knocking into windows or other parts of your car. Or even from items in your vehicle that become projectiles from the force of an accident. Fortunately, this type of injury is rarely serious. 

Head Injuries

One of the most dangerous injuries in a car accident is a head injury. When you’re in a car accident, you hit your head on your steering wheel, window, or dashboard. 

This type of injury can range from a mild concussion to death. Head injuries can cause long-lasting problems that impact you for the rest of your life. 

It’s important to get checked out and follow your doctor’s instructions. Wearing your seatbelt can help limit how far you move in an accident and prevent head injuries. 

Back Injuries

Another common injury is damage to the back. This can cause reduced sensation in various parts of the body; however, in more severe cases, it can leave you paralyzed. 

If you’re experiencing any back pain after a car accident, seek medical attention. Less severe problems can get treated with manual physical therapy during the recovery process.  

Make sure you use good posture when you’re sitting in a vehicle to help your car’s safety features do their job correctly. 

Burns and Other Injuries

When you’re injured in a car accident, it can sometimes be due to your car’s safety features. Airbags are an excellent feature, but they exert a lot of force when they deploy. 

This can save you from more severe injuries but cause burns and other minor injuries. There are a few ways to help avoid injuries from airbags. 

First, never let children sit in the front seat. Typically, children can begin sitting in the front when they reach the age of 13. However, consider your child’s size. 

Smaller 13-year-olds should remain in the back seat. 

Next, when you’re in the front seat, make sure you’re as far away from the airbags as possible. If you’re driving, make sure you can comfortably reach the pedals and steering wheel while being as far away as possible. You also need to ensure the steering wheel is pointed towards your chest and not your face. 

Finally, sit upright. Your vehicle’s safety features are designed to work around a person sitting upright in their seat. 

Keep Yourself Safe From Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents aren’t always preventable. However, you can take steps to protect yourself from more severe car accident injuries. Wear your seatbelt, sit upright, and be cautious of airbags. 

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