What Is a Spinal Adjustment?


As a country, the US is in a lot of pain…back pain, that is. More than 64 million people a year report a recent episode of back pain and 16 million experience chronic back pain that limits their ability to engage in day-to-day activities. 

If you are one of these millions of people suffering from back pain, you are probably looking for relief. There are many different ways to treat back pain, some more effective than others, from medication to physical therapy to massage.

Visiting a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment is one promising way to improve your back pain. Read on to learn more about this procedure. 

What Is a Spinal Adjustment? 

A spinal adjustment is a type of chiropractic treatment performed by a licensed chiropractor, like the Waterside Chiropractic office. During a spine adjustment, you will lie facedown on a padded chiropractic table. 

The chiropractor will use their hands or a device to manipulate a joint of your spine using a thrusting motion. The force is more than you could do on your own or what you might get during a massage and it will push your spine past its normal range of motion. 

They will tailor the force and direction of the thrust to your needs. This then allows the spine to align properly which can treat a multitude of aches and pains in your body, including lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, jaw pain, and muscle aches. 

You will likely hear and feel popping during your adjustment. This is nothing to worry about, as the noises and feelings are the result of gases being released from your joints. Gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen get trapped in the small cavities of your joints and can be released during an adjustment. 

You hear the same noises if your crack your neck, back, or knuckles. The main difference is that the noises may be louder during an adjustment, as the chiropractor is using more force than you would normally use. 

Am I a Good Candidate?

Chiropractic adjustment can be used for anyone, from children to adults. There are many different conditions that can be treated by a chiropractor, from joint and muscle pain to acid reflux. 

You should not get a chiropractic adjustment if you have any of the following: 

  • Osteoporosis 
  • Spinal cancer
  • An increased risk of stroke
  • Tingling or numbness in your arms or legs 
  • Bone abnormalities in your upper neck 

There are always risks involved, as well, so before you seek care from a chiropractor, make sure you fully understand them. The good news is that as long as the adjustment is performed by someone who is licensed and experienced, it is safe. Serious complications are rare but could include a herniated disc, compression of nerves in your spinal column, or strokes after neck adjustments.

Do You Need Chiropractic Care? 

If you are experiencing back or neck pain, feel stiff and sore, and generally feel creaky, seeing a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment may be the best option to alleviate your pain. An experienced and licensed chiropractor can help you feel better in just a few short sessions in many cases. 

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