5 Habits to Live a Good Christian Lifestyle in a Modern World


Did you know that 7 out of 10 Americans identify as Christians?

While lots of people believe in God, many of them find it hard to devote enough time to their spirituality. If you want to enhance your religious lifestyle, then you might be wondering what you can do to keep Him closer to you.

The good news is that maintaining a Christian lifestyle in the modern world is a lot easier than you may think. Keep reading to learn about 5 habits you should adopt to stay in tune with your spirituality.

1. Read Religious Texts Every Day

Being a knowledgeable religious person means reading as many religious texts as possible. The bible is always a great place to start and there are even handy apps that can send you daily verses if you’re short on time.

Exploring religious texts will allow you to answer any questions you may have, such as “what does Jireh mean?”

2. Consume Spiritual Content

A happy spiritual person is mindful of what type of content they consume on a regular basis. Since the world can be a dark place, there is plenty of media that can cloud your mind.

Instead, you should focus on entertainment that nourishes you, such as spiritual books, shows, movies, podcasts, music, and other types of art.

3. Spend Time With Other Believers

A common misconception is that you have to go to church to be a good believer. The truth is that going to church is a great way to feel a strong sense of community, which you can find elsewhere.

If you can’t go to church, then you can find other ways to spend time with believers who share your values.

4. Do What the Lord Jesus Christ Would Do

A frequent question that believers ask themselves is “What would Jesus do?” During times of doubt, it’s always helpful to reflect on the lessons Christ taught us and how we can best emulate Him.

From being kind to everyone you meet to donating time or goods and abstaining from sins, there are tons of wonderful ways you can follow in His footsteps.

5. Talk to God Every Day

It’s true that God is with you at all times, but it can be a healing experience to talk to Him directly through prayer. Some people think that prayers have to be formal, but God is always listening.

You can talk to Him during your commute, when you’re making dinner, before bed, or any time you want to connect with Him.

Anyone Can Maintain a Christian Lifestyle Today

Since everyone has such busy schedules, it can be challenging to figure out how to maintain a Christian lifestyle. Now that you know the top 5 tips for living with Christ in your heart, you’ll be able to fulfill your spirituality.

If spirituality is important to you, then taking the time to learn more about it is essential for your growth. Our site publishes the latest news and guides on religion and spirituality. Check out the rest of our blog so you can unlock your greatest potential.